From wood to paper and beyond

From wood to paper and beyond

Multicopy paper is made in a mill located in the village of Nymolla in southern Sweden. It’s an integrated mill where we directly manage the pulp and paper-making process from wood to paper within the same mill. We source most of the raw materials close by, and the surplus heat from the mill supplies the district heating network in the area.

In partnership with the Nordic energy company Gasum, we convert process water residue into fossil-free fuel liquefied biogas (LBG).

Wood from our hood

Wood from our hood

We care for the well-being of the "natural habitat" of Multicopy. The majority of wood used to produce Multicopy papers is sourced within a 90 km radius of the mill and mostly comes from forest thinnings and wood residues from local sawmills. 

We employ a traceability system to ensure the raw materials meet our global fiber procurement policy.

Environmental labels

The Multicopy brand and the Nymolla Mill hold several environmental certificates. The resources we put into achieving and maintaining these certificates is a token of our care for a responsibly manufactured paper.

Nordic Swan Ecolabel Nordic Swan Ecolabel

Nordic Swan Ecolabel

The Nordic "Swan" is the official environmental label of the Nordic countries. It sets strict environmental requirements in all phases of a product's lifecycle, and takes into account energy and resources used, as well as emissions.

EU Ecolabel EU Ecolabel

EU Ecolabel

The EU Flower is the official environmental label of the European Union. It makes it easier for consumers to identify products with high environmental standards. It covers a product's entire lifecycle, from raw materials to waste.



The Forest Stewardship Council is dedicated to ensuring that forests around the world are responsibly managed. The label ensures that raw materials are harvested from certified forests, protecting plant and animal species.

Climate Projects Climate Projects

Climate Projects

Through our partnership with Climate Impact Partners , we offset the greenhouse gas emissions we cannot avoid along the lifecycle of Multicopy Zero—including those from sourcing, production, and distribution to our customers. As a result, Multicopy Zero has achieved carbon-neutral product certification through the Carbon Neutral Protocol, the leading global framework for carbon neutrality. Find out more about Multicopy's carbon footprint and Sylvamo's GHG reduction goals.



The pulp used in the production of all Multicopy paper is Totally Chlorine Free (TCF). Instead of chlorine, the pulp is bleached by using hydrogen peroxide, which is less harmful to the environment.

The Promise of Paper The Promise of Paper

The Promise of Paper

At Sylvamo, we believe the future of paper deserves a company committed to the success of the entire ecosystem. Our purpose is to produce the paper the world relies on in the most responsible and sustainable ways.